EUCAL Forum - European Compliance and Antitrust Law





Welcome to the European Compliance and Antitrust Law Forum (EUCAL), a website established to promote debate and reform of European antitrust law. The decision to set up EUCAL stems from a conviction that the time is ripe for an overhaul that will improve Europe’s record of preventing antitrust violations while achieving a higher standard of justice in the enforcement of EU antitrust law. 


Prevention of anti-competitive practices is far more efficient than the current approach to European anti-trust enforcement based on investigating and sanctioning violations after they occur. This is particularly true where illegal cartel conduct is concerned. Preventing cartel conduct depends primarily on efforts within individual undertakings to promote and enforce compliance with the law, and more broadly on the efforts of both the business community and public authorities to foster a “culture of competition” in which cartel conduct is widely and unambiguously condemned and sanctioned. 


The EUCAL website is both a communications platform for all interested parties and a central archive for key legal documents, background material, speeches and links to relevant stakeholders. It is also a call to action among academic, business and political communities to work together to help shape a more effective EU anti-trust law and practice. Comments are welcome on all aspects of EU competition law reform.



Website by deep AG